
Last Updated: 12/6/2023

Name: Jablogian

Humanoid: No

Classification: Alternative

Homeworld: Nar Kanji

Coloration: Red, Pink, or Pale Purple

Biology: Jablogians are a rotund species originating from the planet Naj Kanji. They were short, stout, and naturally round and blubbery. They had limited mobility seemingly from birth, and their weight would only increase with age. Their skin is also very sensitive, easily blemishing, blistering, and becoming susceptible to warts and other imperfections. Their pigmentation ranged anywhere from a light pink to a deep red, and their flesh appeared to have a very rubbery texture.

Their legs, feet, and four fingered-hands were abnormally small (especially their hands) for a body their size. They also lacked much of a visible neck, instead having multiple chins leading directly into their chest. These chins were also sometimes ridged or wrinkled, while other instances had smoother submental patches. Their mouths were rather small, containing long tongues, with many Jablogians also possessing an uncontrollable, constant dribble of saliva. Their noses were large and upturned and their beady yellow eyes wide set on either side of their nostrils. Jablogians had pointed ears, large brows, and a rounded head with an inverted ridge running right up the middle.

They were generally hairless, although it was possible for them to have some semblance of facial hair. They had the ability to speak Basic, although they generally spoke their native guttural tongue of Jablogian. And despite their less than savory natural hygiene, they appeared to suffer from no latent or severe health side effects (aside from a general loss of mobility with age).

Lore: Almost nothing is known about the Jablogian race as a whole. It does seem that the species has at least some wealth, and we also known that their homeworld was assimilated into the Hutt Empire at some point in the past, with most Jablogians being subjugated, and some possibly even being sold into slavery. When the Hutts finally relinquished their grasp of the world after a rebellion by it’s Human colonists, they left it in a state of complete disarray. This was sometime during the waning days of the Republic, and by the time the Empire had risen and collapsed, Nar Kanji had become the base of operations for the notorious intergalactic Kanjiklub pirate crew, formed primarily of people formerly oppressed and/or enslaved by the Hutts, possibly including some Jablogians.

Jablogians regularly went by single names, appear to not possess surnames, with many names sounding the same such as “Azmorigan” and “Nazgorigan.”

Legends/Canon: So, the Jablogians are technically exclusive to Canon, although their origins can be traced as far back as the production of Return of the Jedi. The concept art created there, of course, inspired our current Jablogians, as well as an EU alien individual named Dyslogia Twang in 1993 who could possibly be considered the first official Jablogian, although the term was never actually used back then and a few differences in design are evident.

Unexplored: There is so much left open about this rather distinctive species. Of course, we need to determine what their society, economy, government, traditions, etc. looked like. We also need to know what Nar Kanji is actually like, and why the Hutt’s has such an interest in it. Did they primarily target it’s Humans inhabitants, or were the Jablogians heavily captured, killed, and oppressed as well. Is it even possible for them to fight back with any real strength? And did the Jablogians get along with their Human neighbors, or were they always at odds with one another?

We need to determine the state of the Jablogians after the Hutt’s left as well. We’re they on the brink of extinction or did they remain mostly unaffected? Are they mostly still located on Nar Kanji, or have they spread out throughout the galaxy? And what were their thoughts on some of the other galactic powers that filled the void the Hutt’s had left, including the Republic, the Empire, and presumably the New Republic. Were they very involved with the Kanjiklub, or did treat the gang like an invasive faction? And how did the New Republic or even First Order respond to their world’s heightened pirate activities?

Additional Notes: I rather like this species, it’s a fun and very Star Warsy design. I also find it super neat that they were actually based off of some original concept art for Jabba the Hutt’s “updated” appearance in ROTJ. Their relationship with the Hutt’s in universe is a very nice touch, so thank you Pablo Hidalgo for introducing that little detail!

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