
Last Updated: 11/29/2023

Name: Phindian

Humanoid: Yes

Classification: Reptilian/Simian

Homeworld: Phindar

Coloration: Green, Yellow, Mustard, Tan

Biology: The Phindians are an abnormal looking part-reptilian, part-simian race from the planet Phindar. They usually have thick, green or yellow skin, elongated skulls and lips, large noses, and wide, yellow eyes with small, black pupils. Their most distinct feature, however, were their elongated arms, with their hands usually hanging down well past their knees. Phindian feet usually consisted of one massive claw-like toenail surrounded by 4 more smaller protrusions. Their height and weight could vary, with some being over two meters tall and lanky, while others were less than one and a half meters tall with stalky builds. Despite their size differences, they were all abnormally muscular and irregularly strong compared to other similar species. They were capable of speak Basic, although they usually had strange speaking mannerisms.

Lore: The Phindians hailed from a jungle-covered planet known as Phindar, located within the Outer Rim, but specifically and most interestingly within the Mandalore Sector. Despite have all of this context, not a whole lot is known about the Phindian people or their culture, although that is partially because much of it has been intentionally lost or erased in-universe. We do know that their very nature made them cautious and wary of anything they were uncertain of or uneducated about. Societally, they did not agree with taking risks and had a generally strong fear of pain and death. Still, at some time in the distant past the Phindians had been brought into the folds of the Galactic Republic, even represented on the Senate despite their homeworld’s proximity to Mandalore. This continued throughout the High Republic era and seemingly up until the Clone Wars, although other issues began to fester during this time.

For the centuries leading up to the collapse of the Republic, the planet of Phindar was ruled by a crime organization known as the “Syndicat.” The Syndicat controlled the entirety of the Phindian population by implementing a torturous form of mind-wiping and control, removing any ideas of resistance from the people’s heads, and making their new amnesiac subjects bend to their every will. The Syndicat sought to disrupt the galactic Bacta market, and had a few run-ins with the Jedi over the millennia. Around 10 years before the start of the Clone Wars, a few remaining Phindian rebels teamed up with Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi to finally overthrow the Syndicat, liberating their people, and destroying and outlawing the mind-wiping technology on Phindar once and for all. Despite this, it appears that most of the Phindian people sided with the CIS rather than the Jedi during the Clone Wars, and smaller crime syndicates among the Phindians still abounded during this time.

Cultural qualities they retained throughout all of their history and oppression included their aforementioned aversion to risks or danger, their exaggerated movements, expressions, and mannerisms, and their fondness of talking just for the sake of talking. Because of these attitudes, many offworlders found Phindians to be both strange and somewhat annoying. Phindians usually tried to avoid serious topics in conversations, as they grew extra nervous even risking their relationships by speaking about polarizing subjects. However, they became much more open and less sarcastic and exaggerated when around family, friends, and those they trusted most. One proper tradition when departing from a Phindian was to hug them three times: once to tell them you’re sad to leave them, once to let you know that you would like to continue a relationship with them, and once to demonstrate the hope of reuniting with them in the future.

Reinforcing the idea that the Phindians were formally affiliated with the Separatists, following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Phindar was invaded once again. The planet was seemingly occupied by Imperial forces, becoming a base of operations for the tyrannical government, as well as a refueling stop for Imperial-allied vessels, and possibly a staging area for the suppression of further Systems within the Mandalore Sector. A battle did take place between the Rebel Alliance and Empire on Phindar around the time the First Death Star was destroyed, and while the outcome has yet to be revealed, there is no evidence that the Phindians were liberated at this time. What is known is that the species was seemingly never formally enslaved, with some allying themselves with their Imperial occupiers while others formed fierce anti-Imperial sentiments.

Legends/Canon: The Phindians lore has remained relatively the same across both Legends and Canon, with only a few minor characterization details being omitted that could easily be canonized in the near feature.

Unexplored: The early days of the Syndicat and what came before remain completely unexplored in both Canon and Legends. This is one of those rare occasion where there’s a reason why not much lore about the species exists. Because they were practically enslaved by their own rulers for so long, they did not have their own individuality and thus their lore was purposefully not established. So there will be a chunk of their history, probably around 500 years, that really don’t contain much of anything and don’t need to be expanded upon. And that’s ok, it’s actually incredibly unique and refreshing for a species of this caliber.

Now what happens to them after their liberation is pretty open to exploration. It appears that they were allied with the Separatists due to how many Phindians were key members of the CIS, however, we do not know for sure just how many actually agreed with the Separatist beliefs. We also know that they were around during the Galactic Civil War, and at least one participated in an anti-Imperial riot, but it is unclear whether they were oppressed by the Galactic Empire in any way or not. They have also been mentioned in media set during the High Republic Era, a time when they were mostly under the mind-bending control of the Syndicat, but that has yet to be expanded upon any further. Could there be other Phindians spread across the galaxy that we have yet to learn about?

Additional Notes: The more I researched this species, the more I realized how much I enjoyed their lore, and even their overall character designs. They would definitely make for a fun, eccentric character to add to your next story. Maybe you could have them explore how to tone their personalities down, and even when and where it is better to just remain silent. And when they finally open up, it could serve as narrative affirmation that they think of your other characters as family. It’s making me happy just thinking about writing a Phindian character, so this species definitely offer tons of storytelling potential!

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