
Last Updated: 12/5/2023

Name: Blutopian

Humanoid: Yes

Classification: Amphibious

Homeworld: Blutopia

Coloration: Blue, Pink, Tan

Biology: Blutopians are an aquatic, cephalopod-like sentient species hailing from the watery world of Blutopia. They stood generally between 1.5 and 1.8 meters tall, although they tend to be on the shorter side. Their blue or tan skin hangs loose over their body, and they are generally plump and wrinkly. They have thick, flappy arms with five fingered hands and thick fingernails. Their heads are reminiscent of a nautilus, having four to five pink-tipped tentacles extruding from their face surrounding their small mouths. They lack a neck, and their heads are mostly bulbous and ridged. They have no visible nose or ears, and their eyes were set slightly into their heads. They are one of the few aquatic species to actually possess hair, which grows in patches all across their head and face. Despite their oceanic homeworld, they seem perfectly capable of existing on dry land with no biological repercussions. It is unknown if they have the capabilities to speak Basic, but they were capable of speaking Huttese. Their lifespans also seem to have been similar to that of the average Human

Lord: Almost nothing is really known about the Blutopians greater society as a whole, as every instance we have seen so far has been found outside of their homeworld, Blutopia. It seems that many members of the species made themselves an enemy of the Empire, but a lot is still left up to observation and speculation. The Blutopians apparently lived both on land and in the water on their homeworld, and a popular delicacy, “Blutopia Pearls,” could be found there. They had been introduced into the greater galaxy by the height of the Empire’s reign, and could be found in nearly every corner of said galaxy, extending into the Cold War and beyond. Blutopia’s location along the Corellian Trade Spine, also possibly made their planet an important stop for travelers, although it’s location within the Trailing Sectors of the Expansion Region may stifle that somewhat.

Legends/Canon: The Blutopians exist only in the current Star Wars Canon, making their first appearance in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Unexplored: There are some interesting routes you could take the Blutopians, in regards to their involvement to the Galactic Civil War. You can explore why they may have been targeted by the Empire, whether it was for natural resources, slavery, or due to the rebellion. You can also explore their involvement with the Rebel Alliance, if they are even involved at all. You can give a better look at their unnamed homeworld, and whether they live on land, under the water, or both. You can better explore their biology, society, economy, culture, history, traditions, etc. and you can dive into their role in other eras, such as the High Republic or post-Cold War. There’s not much basis for an in-depth exploration as of yet, so first let’s just concern ourselves with the laying of lore-based groundwork for this species.

Additional Notes: The Blutopians aren’t necessarily the most eye grabbing species in the Star Wars universe, and the lack of a proper backstory or expanded lore at the moment doesn’t help. However, one of the most popular instances, Oga Garra, the owner of the cantina at Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge on Batuu (and here on Earth), has helped to make the species just a little bit more well known. It’s pretty cool that they’re getting some more love in various areas of the franchise, and so maybe, just maybe, they deserve a little extra love in your next story as well!

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